Jeff Kingman at Alibi Bookshop


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Type

Beyond That Hill I Gather, by Jeffrey Kingman Reading and in Conversation with David Hill
From Alibi Bookshop:
We are honored to host Vallejo poet and friend of the community, Jeffrey Kingman, for the launch of his new book, “Beyond That Hill I Gather” on August 22 at 2 pm. This is a hybrid event — because of COVID, Jeff has invited a few friends to attend in person, and has invited all others to attend on Zoom so that everyone is included!
He will be reading from the book and some new poems, followed by a conversation with our good friend, David Hill.
Beyond That Hill I Gather
Poems by Jeffrey Kingman
“In these portraits of notable women, Jeffrey Kingman reveals his own faith in the partial and the complex. These poems put their faith in tenuousness, possibility, and the interplay between intimacy and distance—singing along the borders of what we perceive and what we project.”
-Laura Walker, Instructor at U.C. Berkeley Extension, author of story (Apogee Press, 2016)
“At times narrative, often musical, these poems…offer an experience that is intimate and personal, like a small, precious gift.”
-David W. Hill
Most of the poems in Beyond That Hill I Gather are portraits of women who are notable for their achievements. They are strong, accomplished women. While this common thread runs throughout the book, there is much variety since the women come from various walks of life— authors, musicians, artists, comedians, activists, suffragists—such as Patti Smith, Amy Schumer, Muriel Spark, Margaret Sanger, Elizabeth Vigée Le Brun and Sophia Duleep Singh. Each poem captures a different flavor based on the unique personality of each individual.
Many of the poems convey a sense of struggle. The struggle to succeed, to be recognized, to thrive in a world dominated by men.
Jeffrey Kingman’s Beyond That Hill I Gather won the 2018 Eyelands Book Award (Greece) for an unpublished poetry book. Jeff is also the winner of the 2012 Revolution House Flash Fiction Contest, and the winner of the Red Berry Editions 2015 Broadside Contest. His chapbook, On a Road, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2019. He has been a finalist in many contests including the 2018 Hillary Gravendyk Prize poetry boo competition, the 2015 Blue Light Press Chapbook Competition, the 2014 Sow’s Ear Poetry Competition, andthe 2013 Frost Place Chapbook Fellowship. He has been published in PANK, Crack the Spine, Squaw Valley Review, Clackamas Literary Review and others.